Classicus Quartet & Soharóza Choir

2017. február 8. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Classicus Quartet & Soharóza Choir A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Kosztolányi Dezső, Karinthy Frigyes, Juhász Gyula, József Attila, illetve Philippe Soupault, Blaise Cendrars, Franz Kafka versei szavalva, és szavalókórussal előadva.

3. vonósnégyes, BB 93

Szabó Ferenc
1. vonóstrió, op. 12

Három darab vonósnégyesre

Concertino vonósnégyesre

-;-Classicus Quartet: Rácz József, Baksai Réka (hegedű); Tornyai Péter (brácsa); Zétényi Tamás (cselló)

Soharóza Kórus (zenei vezető Halas Dóra)

Kiss-Végh Emőke, Ördög Tamás (színész)
This recital offers the opportunity to be part of a remarkable look back in history. Ninety years ago, New Earth evenings associated with Ödön Palasovszky were staged in the very same place, the small hall of the Liszt Academy, in the course of which avant-garde theatrical productions were staged together with avant-garde works of music. At that time choral speaking, a genre designed to proclaim the ideals of the working class movement and which has since died out, was enjoying a golden age. This programme is the opportunity to come into contact with a medium that many today consider odd, together with curiosities such as the Stravinsky Concertino written for string quartet or the Trio by Ferenc Szabó who had newly graduated from the class of Kodály at the Liszt Academy. This most engaging and non-conformist programme is steered by two ensembles well-known for their imaginative, innovative and experimental productions which have captured the fantasy of audiences open to the new.


HUF 1 900, 2 500