Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra

2017. február 14. 19.30-22.00

Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Orbán György
Búcsú Rasumoffsky gróftól

a-moll („Arpeggione”) szonáta, D.821 (vonószenekari átirat)

Esz-dúr oktett, Op.20 (vonószenekari átirat)

-;-Várdai István (cselló)

Liszt Ferenc Kamarazenekar
István Várdai, only at the age of 310, is widely considered as one of the most sought-after cellists of the world which is proven by the fact that he became the first musician to win both the Geneva International Cello Competition and the prestigious Munich ARD International Cello Competition. In 2010 he made his debut at the Wiener Konzerthaus and at New York’s Carnegie Hall. Since then, he has performed at the world’s most prestigious concert halls including in London, Paris, Munich, Geneva, Berlin, Moscow and Tokyo. In 2009 he was awarded the Junior Prima Prize, in 2012 he received the prestigious Prix Montblanc, in 2015 he received the Ferenc Liszt Prize. He has been a resident artist in Pécs, Kodály Centre since 2015. His instrument is a Montagnana cello, made in 1720.
He has performed with the Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra on several occasions. On the concert held on 14th February, György Orbán’s A Farewell to Count Rasumoffsky, Schubert’s Sonata in A minor "Arpeggione", D.821 and Mendelssohn’s String Octet in E flat major, Op.20
will be played.


HUF 2 900, 4 200, 5 500 Ft, 6 900