
2017. február 19. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Bella–Virágh–Solti–Mátyássy–Kutrik A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Studio 5 Composer’s Night

Bella Máté

Virágh András Gábor
Tres Orationes

Solti Árpád

Mátyássy Szabolcs
Bipolar Etudes

Kutrik Bence

-;-Szóló: Zemlényi Eszter (szoprán); Móri Beáta (cimbalom); Duffek Mihály (fagott)

Bán Máté, Bán Annamária (fuvola); Szűcs Péter, Pálfi Csaba (klarinét)

Újházy Gyöngyi (cselló); Fervágner Csaba (bőgő); Kiss Péter (zongora)

Lajhó Gyula, Csepeli Bence, Janca Dániel, Hlaszny Ádám, Palotás Gábor (ütőhangszerek)

Accord Quartet: Mező Péter, Veér Csongor (hegedű); Kondor Péter (mélyhegedű); Ölveti Mátyás (cselló)

Krulik Quartet: Krulik Eszter, Bálint Angéla (hegedű); Jobbágy Andor (brácsa); Nagy Judit (cselló)

Pannónia Quartet: Vizeli Máté, Baksai Réka (hegedű); Bartók Tamás (brácsa); Kirkósa Tünde (cselló)

Vezényel: Dobszay Péter
Generations Y and Z of today’s Hungarian composers are heirs to the music tradition, hallmarked by György Ligeti and György Kurtág, which after Béla Bartók, Zoltán Kodály and Ernő Dohnányi raised Hungarian contemporary music into an international arena. Five young artists of the music composer grouping called Studio 5 have a mission: starting out from this tradition, they bring about new music concerts. Even though these five creative minds almost without exception studied music abroad as well as in Hungary (in Canada, Poland, Belgium, Austria and Sweden), all look on the Liszt Academy as their alma mater. The five compositions in this Studio 5 concert represent five different galaxies in a single universe. The cosmic metaphor is all the more apposite given that Máté Bella was inspired by the structure of the galaxies when writing his piece. In his work, András Gábor Virágh configures an early Christian prayer, while Árpád Solti inserts children’s songs and rhymes into a totally new musical medium. The Szabolcs Mátyássy composition exemplifies the bipolarity of music through a pair of movements whereas Bence Kutrik’s cimbalom concerto arrives at its ‘trembling’ conclusion via the Fibonacci sequence.


HUF 1 200