Weiner Ensemble Chamber Recital

2017. február 24. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Talent Obliges

Weiner Ensemble Chamber Recital A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Passacaglia, op. 1 (Dani Imre átirata)

Lúdanyó meséi (Tornyai Péter átirata)

Passacaglia, op. 44 (Bán Máté átirata)

Kammersinfonie, op. 9/1 (Webern átirata)

-;-Weiner Ensemble Baksai Réka (hegedű); Bán Máté (fuvola); Dani Imre (zongora); Jámbor Janka (gordonka); Pálfi Csaba (klarinét)

Közreműködik: Für Anikó (színművész)
This fantastic formation made up of young people totally committed to chamber music play pieces in arrangements the majority of which were written by members of the chamber ensemble themselves. Webern’s opus 1 is followed by Ravel’s fairy tale depicted with soaring fantasy, with the closing work reserved for the intriguing tonalities of Schönberg’s Chamber Symphony No. 1. Furthermore, there is a piece from 1936 by the eponym of the ensemble – one of the greatest teachers of Hungarian music of the 20th century; it shares the same name as the opening work (Passacaglia). The unorthodox choice of programmes, the daring and innovative undertakings of the Weiner Ensemble formed in 2014 have attracted attention, not to mention the fact that their instrument line-up is also pretty unusual. These gifted players came third at the Orlando International Chamber Music Competition organized in the Dutch town of Kerkrade in August 2016. This achievement also entitled them to appear at the prestigious Orlando Festival.


HUF 1 900