Kata Scheuring chamber recital

2017. március 16. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Talent Obliges

Kata Scheuring chamber recital A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

a-moll („Arpeggione”) szonáta, D. 821 (átirat fuvolára és zongorára)


Nyolc darab szóló fuvolára

Trió fuvolára, brácsára és hárfára

Krzysztof Meyer
Burlesca all’Ongarese

Chant de Linos

-;-Scheuring Kata (fuvola); Szabó Marcell, Kovács Gergely (zongora); Varga Oszkár (brácsa); Kriesch Barbara (hárfa)
Kata Scheuring surely ranks among the most talented of the young flautist generation. She studied at the Liszt Academy under Zoltán Gyöngyössy, Veronika Oross and Rita Termes, perfecting her knowledge at several master classes. She has won podium places at numerous national and international competitions, she has performed aboard on many occasions, and she spent a semester in Helsinki where she could learn from Petri Alanko. The programme comprises a bouquet from the rich collection of chamber music for flute, brought to fruition in the company of famous young fellow artists. Schubert’s classic is followed by Hindemith’s 1927 eight character pieces, American Liebermann’s Sonata dating from 60 years later, the Trio (1926) of Dutchman Leo Smit who died in a concentration camp, the Krzysztof Meyer Burlesca all’Ongarese dedicated to András Adorján, and finally one of the most played pieces of 20th century chamber music for flute, Chant de Linos by André Jolivet from France.


HUF 1 900