The Mighty Little Heap – grandiose works, grandiose musicians

2017. március 20. 19.30-22.00

The Mighty Little Heap – grandiose works, grandiose musicians A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Hovascsina – Előjáték

2. (c-moll) zongoraverseny, op. 18

Seherezádé szvit

-;-Hisako Kawamura (zongora)

A Magyar Rádió Szimfonikus Zenekara

Vezényel: Vásáry Tamás
Modest Mussorgsky's oeuvre – including his last unfinished opera, Khovanshchina – stems from the history and folk traditions of Russia. The Prelude of Khovanshchina has been frequently performed on its own in concerts with the title of „Dawn over the Moscow River”. The Prelude pictures the time when Nature wakes up with birds singing and pealing bells. The piece is characterised by the melodiousness of Russian folk music. Sergey Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto No. 2 in C minor, written in 1901 and dedicated to his doctor, dr. Dahl, helped him to overcome the creativity crisis caused by the fiasco of his Symphony No. 1. At the first performance in Moscow, the piano part was played by the author himself. The suite Sheherezade of Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov – which was finished in the summer of 1888 – tells us the history of king Shahryar and his wife, Sheherezade, including four tales from the Thousand and One Nights. A beautiful violin solo representing Sheherezade is one of the leitmotives of the piece.


HUF 2 400, 3 900, 4 900, 5 900