Special School for Exceptional Young Talents

2017. március 31. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

On the Spot

Special School for Exceptional Young Talents A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Variációk egy Paganini-témára


de Falla
Tűztánc „A bűvös szerelem” c. táncjátékból

John Thomas
The Minstrels adieu

g-moll rondó, op. 94

J. S. Bach
d-moll partita, BWV 1004 – Chaconne

c-moll szonáta hegedűre és zongorára, op. 45 – 1. tétel

Vocalaise, op. 34/14

A dongó

g-moll prelűd, op. 23/5



A tangó története – 1. Bordel

-;-Rozsonits Ildikó (zongora)

Borka Ráhel (cselló)

Közreműködik: Homor Zsuzsanna (zongora)

Tóth Mária Nikoletta (hárfa)

Dolfin Benedek (cselló)

Közreműködik: Homor Zsuzsanna (zongora)

Szalai Lotti (gitár)

Bácsy-Schwartz Zoltán (hegedű), Magyar Valentin (zongora)

Csőke Flóra (cselló), Vitályos Balázs (zongora)

Puskás Máté (zongora)

Gaál Eszter (hegedű)

Devich Gergely (cselló), Kovalszki Mária (zongora)

Gaál Eszter (hegedű), Szalai Lotti (gitár)
Legends and tales of wunderkinder have been essential parts of the history of music for centuries. From many aspects nothing has changed even today: there are few CVs of musicians that do not mention somewhere a flowering of astonishing talent during early childhood. At this On the spot series concert showcasing special talents we have the opportunity to witness young musicians taking to the stage of the Solti Hall who have been in training at the Liszt Academy to the very highest artistic standards since their early school days. And we are talking here of a select team indeed, with just one or two new students from the entire country entitled to join each year. They are the children who, years later, will be able with full justification to say that they performed in the greatest concert halls of the country when still in their teens. However, it would be wrong to think that talent is some God-given gift that guarantees success in itself; the fact is there is something that the remarkably gifted young people at this concert and the ‘great artists’ share. This is nothing less than the enormous devotion and energy that is invested in learning a particular piece of music. All who attend this concert introducing the most gifted young musicians of the Special School of the Liszt Academy are witness to the results of this extraordinary work.


HUF 1 600