Balogh Tamás Quartet featuring Lili Nagy

2017. április 1. 19.00-21.00

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Jazz It!

Balogh Tamás Quartet featuring Lili Nagy A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

-;-Balogh Tamás Quartet: Balogh Tamás (zongora, billentyűk); Ludányi Tamás (szaxofon); Fónay Tibi (basszusgitár); Hidász Tamás (dob)

Vendég: Nagy Lili (ének)
Tamás Balogh is in his early twenties yet he has been playing music solidly for close on a decade, and at present he is a student of Károly Binder at the Liszt Academy Jazz Department. His first instrument at the music school of Kistarcsa was the drums, although it quickly dawned on him that the piano and composition were far more to his taste. He was just 18 when in 2011 he and his orchestra won the Tirgu Mures International Jazz Competition and he picked up prize for the best soloist. In autumn 2013 he won the prestigious Creative Art award established by György Vukán. Tamás Hidász is drummer in the Balogh Tamás Quartet who won the best drummer prize at the Tirgu Mures Jazz Festival in 2013; Hódmezővásárhely-born Tibor Fonay on bass was presented with a Junior Prima Prize in 2014. Lili Nagy joined the group as songwriter and lyricist; she is a second-year student at the department of performance art-jazz singing of Kodolányi János College, and in March 2016 she won the trophy for best singer at the International Jazz Festival organized in Romania.


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