Leonard Elschenbroich & Hungarian Chamber Orchestra

2017. április 24. 19.00-22.00

Solti terem

Chamber Music, So Close

Leonard Elschenbroich & Hungarian Chamber Orchestra A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Olasz szerenád

6. (D-dúr) vonós szonáta


g-moll csellóverseny, RV 416


e-moll vonósnégyes (átirat vonószenekarra)

Olasz szvit (Benjamin Wallfisch átirata)

-;-Leonard Elschenbroich (cselló)

Új Magyar Kamarazenekar (művészeti vezető: Bánfalvi Béla)
“My earliest intense musical memory was hearing the first C-major scale of Bach’s 3rd Cello Suite and feeling a sort of pain under my stomach and I was tearing. Not crying but ‘tearing’. I asked my mother if something was wrong with me and she decided I should have cello lessons. I was six years old I think.” So the German cellist recounted his first (and clearly highly moving) experience of music. Leonard Elschenbroich, who is in his early thirties, is one of the most impulsive and dynamic personalities in the profession today. He is a regular guest of the most prestigious concert halls and festivals, and plays alongside star conductors and star orchestras. Among his numerous accolades he holds the Leonard Bernstein Prize, Eugene Istomin Prize and Borletti Buitoni Prize. He played an active role, and still does to this day, in setting up and running Bolivia’s first national orchestra as artistic consultant.


HUF 2 500, 3 200