Anima Musicae Chamber Orchestra

2017. szeptember 30. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Anima Musicae Chamber Orchestra A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

e-moll vonósszerenád, op. 20

Beischer-Matyó Tamás
Time’s All-Severing Wave – concerto brácsára és vonószenekarra


Variációk egy Frank Bridge-témára, op. 10

-;-Bársony Péter (brácsa)

Anima Musicae Kamarazenekar (művészeti vezető: G. Horváth László)

Vezényel: Horváth Balázs
Anima Musicae Chamber Orchestra were formed in 2010 from students of the Liszt Academy. Since then they have appeared in many venues including Vienna’s Musikverein and the Berlin Philharmonic. They are holders of international prizes and their first independent record was released by Hungaroton, featuring works by Mozart. Their repertoire is extremely varied, spanning the range from Baroque to contemporary. They consider it their mission to perform and present works by contemporary Hungarian composers and frequently showcase completely new works written specifically for them. This concert has works by two English composers and a world premiere: this is the unveiling of Tamás Beischer-Matyó’s viola concerto with solo by Péter Bársony, winner of the Liszt Prize and teacher at the Liszt Academy.


HUF 2 500, 3 200