Gregory Vajda–Mark Childress: Georgia Bottoms – Premiere in Hungary

2017. október 8. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

CAFe Budapest Contemporary Arts Festival

Gregory Vajda–Mark Childress: Georgia Bottoms – Premiere in Hungary A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

A Comic Opera of the Modern South

Vajda Gergely
Georgia Bottoms – Vígopera a modern Délről

-;-Librettó: Mark Childress és Vajda Gergely

Georgia Bottoms: Rebecca Nelsen

Krystal Lambert: Meláth Andrea

Little Mama: Károlyi Katalin

Nathan: Keith Browning

Eugene Hendrix tiszteletes: Szappanos Tibor

Brenda Hendrix: Nagy Zsófia

Brent Colgate tiszteletes: Erdős Attila

Daphne Colgate: Kiss Diána

Dr. Ted Horn / Lester tisztviselő: Tötös Roland

Barnett bíró / Jimmy tisztviselő: Cseh Antal

Bill seriff: Gulyás Bence

Közreműködik: UMZE Kamaraegyüttes

Vezényel: Vajda Gergely

Díszlet, jelmez: Izsák Lili

Koreográfus: Barta Dóra

Rendező: Almási-Tóth András
Gregory Vajda’s comic opera, which premiered in the United States in 2015, is presented here as part of the CAFe Budapest Contemporary Arts Festival. At the focal point is our heroine, who attempts to sustain herself and her family with the ‘gifts’ given to her by wealthier admirers. Her complicated life, her disintegrating family and her dark secret hold the audience spellbound right from the very first minute. The performance (in English) is conducted by the composer himself, whose works have, through their unique sound based on variable tones and unusual effects, stirred up ever more attention worldwide in the last few decades.


HUF 1 900, 2 500