
2017. november 17. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

kamara.hu - Chamber Music Festival of the Liszt Academy

kamara.hu/2 A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Magic Mountain

J. S. Bach
A fúga művészete, BWV 1080 (részletek)

2. (e-moll) hegedű-zongora szonáta, op. 36a


Adagio és allegro, op. 70

Nyolc darab klarinétra, brácsára és zongorára, op. 83 (részlet)

D-dúr („Szellem”) zongoratrió, op. 70/1

-;-Simon Izabella, Várjon Dénes, Roman Rabinovich (zongora)

Escher Vonósnégyes: Adam Barnett-Hart, Aaron Boyd (hegedű); Pierre Lapointe (brácsa); Brook Speltz (cselló)

Muriel Cantoreggi, Keller András (hegedű); Andrea Hallam (brácsa); Marie-Elisabeth Hecker (cselló)

Radovan Vlatković (kürt); Klenyán Csaba (klarinét)
“The Art of Fugue is the ‘magic mountain’ in the empire of music,” Dénes Várjon has said in relation to this monumental Bach work, excerpts of which are performed by Echer String Quartet. The Art of Fugue – starring András Keller and Dénes Várjon – is followed by an epic work by Busoni, the Sonata in E minor, which has much to thank Bach’s music for as regards its ethos and subjects. There are countless underlying associations threaded through the Piano Trio in D major ending the concert, the slow movement of which Beethoven student Czerny said reminded him of the ghost of Hamlet’s father. The work, since then known simply as the ‘Ghost’ Trio, is performed by Muriel Cantoreggi, Marie-Elisabeth Hecker and Izabella Simon.


HUF 2 500, 3 200