kamara.hu/Between the Three of Us – Conversation on literature and music

2017. november 19. 17.00-18.00


kamara.hu – Chamber Music Festival of the Liszt Academy

kamara.hu/Between the Three of Us – Conversation on literature and music A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Magic Mountain

-;-Házigazda: Simon Izabella és Várjon Dénes

Vendég: Boldizsár Ildikó
“Everything is to be found in tales: everything that was and everything that can be.” After György Spiró, Anna Szabó T. and György Dragomán, for the kamara.hu literary afternoon there could be no better conversation partner of Izabella Simon and Dénes Várjon concerning the fairy tales and fantasies of this year’s Magic Mountain programme than Ildikó Boldizsár, who as author, researcher, fairy tale therapist and storyteller guides us through worlds of wonder. “With the help of fantasy, the patterns of experience and thinking can be shattered, suddenly worlds that are imperceptible in ordinary circumstances can be seen, formed and experienced.” These words of Ildikó Boldizsár are marvellously apt for the festival concerts as well, which through the power of music help us experience realities that exist beyond our everyday. It is now a tradition for special compositions to be performed in the literary programme in which artists of the festival also join: last year Jörg Widmann gave a recital of an own composition, whereas this year Radovan Vlatković plays a piece written for him by Krzysztof Penderecki.


HUF 600