Domonkos Csabay, Bálint Kruppa, András Kurgyis & János Fejérvári Chamber Recital

2017. november 28. 19.00-21.00

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Talent Obliges

Domonkos Csabay, Bálint Kruppa, András Kurgyis & János Fejérvári Chamber Recital A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

G-dúr hegedű-zongora szonáta



Kecskés D. Balázs
Zongoranégyes - ősbemutató

1. (g-moll) zongoranégyes, K. 478

-;-Csabay Domonkos (zongora); Kruppa Bálint (hegedű); Kurgyis András (brácsa); Fejérvári János (cselló)
Four young artists reveal the mysteries of piano chamber music through a selection of exciting works starting with the first masterpiece of the repertoire, Mozart’s opus, all the way to a creation by a young Hungarian contemporary composer. All the artists have numerous competition wins and considerable solo and chamber music experience. Domonkos Csabay has appeared at several foreign festivals and competitions, with much success; Bálint Kruppa is a teacher at the Chamber Music Department of the Liszt Academy and first violinist. András Kurgyis also plays in the quartet; he is a student of Péter Bársony at the Liszt Academy. The final member, János Fejérvári, comes from a musical family and was brought up on chamber music. In a varied programme, one curiosity is the grandiose work by Guillaume Lekeu, of whom many held high hopes but who died of typhus one day after his 24th birthday, in 1894.


HUF 1 900