Angelica Girls’ Choir

2017. december 2. 19.30-22.00

Angelica Girls’ Choir A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

La Damoiselle élue – kantáta



Karácsonyi oratórium

-;-Deák Andrea, Molnár Anna (mezzoszoprán); Tóka Ágoston (orgona)

Sáfár Orsolya (szoprán), Megyesi Schwartz Lúcia (mezzoszoprán), N. N. (tenor), N. N. (basszus)

Angelica Leánykar (karigazgató: Gráf Zsuzsanna)

Tbilisi Férfikar (karigazgató: Archil Ushveridze)

Budapesti Vonósok (koncertmester: Pilz János, művészeti vezető: Botvay Károly)

Vezényel: Gráf Zsuzsanna
In early December, on the Saturday before the first Sunday in Advent, the Grand Hall of the Liszt Academy provides a marvellous opportunity to get into the seasonal spirit with the assistance of several vocal soloists, organist Ágoston Tóka, Budapest Strings, a Georgian male choir and Angelica Girls’ Choir. Debussy’s cantata La Damoiselle élue evokes the moment of awakening and heightening of desire to meet of an ethereal female figure in heaven yearning for her earthbound lover. László Lajtha’s humble Magnificat written for women’s choir and organ holds out the hope of redemption. Finally, Saint-Saëns’s Christmas Oratorio tells the story of fulfilment and highlights the significance of the event.


HUF 1 400, 2 100, 3 500, 4 900