Szőllősy–Ligeti Recital

2017. december 6. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Here and Now

Szőllősy–Ligeti Recital A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Concert for the 10th anniversary of András Szőllősy's death

Kolozsvári éjjel



Zongoraetűdök 1. kötet (válogatás)

Addio Kroó György emlékére

Zongoraetűdök 3. kötet (válogatás)


Baranyai Barnabás (cselló)

Fodor Bernadett (ének), Scheuring Kata (fuvola), N.N (brácsa)

Fejérvári Zoltán (zongora)

N.N. (hegedű), a Zeneakadémia hallgatói

Fejérvári Zoltán (zongora)

Tihanyi László
“Is it possible that a composer – in all his verbal manifestations going back decades – who considers life to be a tragedy, the world to be inexplicable and oppressive chaos, who speaks about mourning and transience in nearly every single note, is still able to radiate a sense of beauty, purity, ascension and consolation through his works?” This is the question music historian János Kárpáti poses in his essay about András Szőllősy, in which he also notes that Szőllősy “is one of the most significant representatives of post-Bartók Hungarian composition, the ‘third’ master alongside György Ligeti and György Kurtág.” The concert evokes the composer and musicologist who died ten years ago; it starts with one of the few compositions of Szőllősy that survived from his earlier period, Night in Kolozsvár (1955), and winds up with the last piece he completed, Addio in Memory of György Kroó. Fragments (1985), a cycle composed for mezzosoprano, flute and viola, written to parts of poems by István Lakatos, is the focal point of the evening. Ligeti creations are interspersed between (or rather, link together) Szőllősy’s works.


HUF 1 200