Tibor Márkus & Equinox Septet

2017. december 8. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Jazz It!

Tibor Márkus & Equinox Septet A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Time travel & record release concert with Luca Kézdy

-;-Kovács Linda (ének, ütőhangszerek, szintetizátor); Eszes Viktória (ének, ütőhangszerek); Márkus Tibor (zongora, szintetizátor); Jász András (altszaxofon); Zana Zoltán (tenorszaxofon, EWI szaxofon-szintetizátor); Csuhaj Barna Tibor (nagybőgő); Jeszenszky György (dobok)
Modern mainstream jazz combo Equinox have appeared at dozens of jazz festivals and in cities across Hungary and abroad. Their repertoire is shaped by the works of Tibor Márkus, Erkel Ferenc Prize composer and concertmaster, which besides utilizing modern compositional elements is also characterized by the retention of melodiousness and acceptability. His compositions – extremely varied in instrumentalization and style – “proclaim the indivisibility of music”. Four albums were released under the name of his former quartet and Tibor Márkus has appeared on a further four composer discs along with the cream of jazz. “Everything comes together on the album TRAP for the most expert performance of my music. Georgina Kanizsa’s literary-like lyrics crown my songs. Performers are the Equinox Septet. Excellent artists, strong characters, great people, very good friends.” These are the words of Tibor Márkus in connection with his latest album.


HUF 1 900, 2 500