Transparent Sound New Music Festival Opening Concert

2018. január 6. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Transparent Sound New Music Festival Opening Concert A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Ravel–Tornyai Péter
Lúdanyó meséi (átirat kamaraegyüttesre)

Laczkó Bálint

Horváth Bálint
DEAC No. 3, 4

Dargay Marcell
Hangemlékek 1985

Vortex temporum – 1-2. tétel


Horváth Bálint (zongora)

Vezényel: Horváth Balázs
When can a composer be considered a classic, and when can a contemporary composer become classical? Perhaps when a composer becomes an integral part of concert life, public consciousness and education. That is, what he/she does becomes a part of the music canon, it can be analysed, interpreted, can be placed into a context, and his/her oeuvre influences the compositional progression. This topic is explored at the concert where THReNSeMBle perform pieces by 20th century ‘classics’, ‘contemporary classic’ and contemporary composers. Gérard Grisey, who died in 1996, can certainly be considered a classic of contemporary music. He was not only an outstanding artistic personality and instructor of the post-Messiaen French composer generation, but thinking on music and tonality continue to be defined by him to this day. Due to his unexpected and early death, Vortex temporum is his ‘late’ work, which is viewed as an iconic composition by modern-day composers. Young composer Bálint Laczkó, who was born around the time that Grisey died, presented his Liszt Academy diploma work Parallels a few months ago; in its structure, it matches almost exactly the Grisey work. Laczkó’s work represents the present in this programme, while Marcell Dargay’s piece rethinks alternative pop music of the 1980s. The ‘classics’ are performed in a somewhat new form, in a version orchestrated for chamber ensemble. The concert is preceded by a workshop at which performers initiate the audience – in an interactive way – into the secrets of the works on the programme.


HUF 1 200