The Superfluous Score

2018. január 21. 11.00-13.00

Solti terem

Liszt Kidz Academy

The Superfluous Score A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

For 10-15-year-olds

Alleluja. Non vos relinquam orphanos – gregorián

Alleluja. Non vos relinquam orphanos – organum duplum

Viderunt omnes – organum quadruplum (részlet)

Die Advokaten (Az ügyvédek), D. 37

Drei kleine Stücke (Három kis darab), op. 11

Kurtág György
Jelek, játékok és üzenetek – Message-consolation á Christian Sutter

Kurtág György
Játékok (részletek)

-;-Déri György (cselló)

Kemenes András (zongora)

A:N:S Chorus

Vezényel és mesél: Bali János
What is a viola doing in the orchestra if it rarely gets a melody and it does not play the bass part either? Why is a conductor needed when sometimes the orchestra gets along fine without him or her? What do opera directors do and would they be missed by the singers and audience if they were not there? What is the role of the score in classical music when many music cultures (folk music, jazz, Gregorian etc.) managed and still manage without it? These are the questions tackled by the Liszt Academy’s series for younger audiences; for the third time, János Bali, known as a recorder player, teacher and leader of A:N:S Choir playing a medieval and Renaissance repertoire, initiates children into the mysteries of European scores. The programme covers those strange dots and lines that first appeared about 1200 years ago in various Gregorian manuscripts, and which over many centuries evolved into the sheet music we recognize today. We also find out what there is in music that cannot be shown by a score, how composers struggled to set down ever more accurately what they wanted to get across in their music, and how during the 20th century there were several experiments to go beyond traditional score notation.


HUF 1 400