Masterworks and Specialities for 2 and 4 Hands

2018. február 14. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Konzi Concerts

Masterworks and Specialities for 2 and 4 Hands A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Concert of the Konzi Piano Department

Chopin, Liszt, Brahms és más szerzők művei

-;-Közreműködnek a Bartók Béla Zeneművészeti Szakközépiskola tanárai és diákjai
The history of the Bartók Konzi (Conservatory) stretches right back to the Age of Reform in Hungary: its predecessor, the National Conservatory, was established in 1840 with director Gábor Mátray and 75 students as the Pest-Buda Hangász Society School of Singing. Ferenc Liszt himself contributed to the fund required to set up the institution, and he gave two concerts with proceeds going to the school. In 1850, several departments joined the singing, choir and composition faculties, including the section specializing in piano; this department remains of outstanding importance in Hungarian music education to this day. Pianist students have won prizes at numerous Hungarian and international competitions, and many have continued their studies at the Liszt Academy. Teachers include pedagogues of national repute, many also teach at the Liszt Academy and are active as concert artists. This recital features students and their masters, allowing the audience a glimpse into the workshop of the Konzi piano department.


HUF 900