Wunderkind – Wundererwachsene!

2018. február 18. 16.00-18.00

Wunderkind – Wundererwachsene! A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Charitable Concert for Szent János Hospital Gastroenterology Department

Beethoven, Brahms, Chopin, Debussy, Mozart, Paganini és Rossini művei

-;-Marton Éva, Horti Lilla (ének), Vásáry Tamás (zongora), Gertler Teo (hegedű), Berkes Kálmán (klarinét), Semmelweis Vonósnégyes

Beszélgetőpartner: Dr. Székely György
Musical conversation with the participation of wunderkind and wundererwachsene (child prodigy and adult prodigy): in the company of famous guests, Tamás Vásáry talks about Annie Fischer, her life, her ‘period as a wunderkind’ and as a wunderkind who grew up to be a wundererwachsene. We are introduced to violinist Teo Gertler, a modern-day wunderkind who has started on a career at the age of nine. The wundererwachsene and singing legend Éva Marton together with her internationally celebrated student Lilla Horti talk about the pleasures and pitfalls of a singing career, with live illustrations. We can learn about the unusual case of clarinettist and conductor Kálmán Berkes, who has returned to Hungary from Japan, and who at the age of just three years ‘foretold’ that he would be a conductor! Furthermore, we hear some unpublished stories about his best friend, Zoltán Kocsis, who similarly started out as a wunderkind. All these experiences are spiced with plenty of music to guarantee a remarkable evening. Joining these artists are the Semmelweis String Quartet comprising four internist physicians, plus conversation partner Dr. György Székely. The artists are donating the entire proceeds from this unconventional programme and concert to the Gastroenterological Department of Szent János Hospital in Budapest.


HUF 2 900, 3 500, 4 500, 5 400