Arany Songs

2018. március 1. 19.30-22.00

Arany Songs A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Award Ceremony and Gala Concert of the János Arany Composers Competition – Selection of songs by Kodály and Ligeti composed to poems by János Arany

“The linkage of the oeuvres of Zoltán Kodály and János Arany verges on a cliché in specialist literature, [...] just as the statement that the composer was born in the year of the death of the poet, in 1882. The first reference was made by Kodály himself to the relationship of the artistic-human temperament, when he stated in a letter to his future wife Emma Gruber, in 1907, during his study tour in Berlin: ‘[…] János Arany (my doppelgänger and forward projected shadow, or I am his shadow – it’s all the same)’” wrote Mihály Ittzés, director of the Kodály Institute, in one of his papers on the parallels of the poet and the composer. At the same time, it is interesting that Kodály only set two Arany poems to music and other authors rarely came to the poems of the most famous figure of 19th century literature.. This is precisely why, on the occasion of the János Arany Memorial Year, the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music – with the support of the János Arany Memorial Year Committee – announced a competition for composers of new works of music utilizing the works of the poet and writer. The winning work and other placings are formally announced during this special concert.


Tickets: HUF 1 200