Julia Lezhneva, Franco Fagioli & Cappella Gabetta

2018. március 29. 19.30-22.00

Orchestra in the Centre

Julia Lezhneva, Franco Fagioli & Cappella Gabetta A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

F-dúr concerto grosso Arcangelo Corelli nyomán

„Litanie a due voci“

G-dúr szonáta, op. 1/8

Salve Regina

Salve Regina

Nisi Dominus, RV 608


Stabat Mater

-;-Julia Lezsnyeva (szoprán)

Franco Fagioli (kontratenor)

Cappella Gabetta

Koncertmester: Andrés Gabetta
Cappella Gabetta are on the stage of the Liszt Academy together with the star duet of Baroque music Argentinian Franco Fagioli and Russian Julia Lezsnyeva. Andrés Gabetta, one of the most sought-after Baroque violinists today, carries out duties as concertmaster. The virtuoso began his music studies in Argentina and then continued in Madrid and Basel; his greatest dream, that of having his own Baroque orchestra, came true in 2011 when he founded the formation together with his cellist sister, Sol Gabetta. Over the past six years they have invited a string of superb soloists as guests: Giuliano Caramignola, Vivica Genaux, Simone Kermes, Gábor Boldoczki, Sergei Nakaryakov and Patricia Kopatchinskaya have all sung or played at concerts of the orchestra. In fact, there is nothing surprising in two phenomena of the 18th century vocal repertoire as Lezsnyeva and Fagioli – alongside marvellous solo parts of Porpora and Vivaldi – performing Pergolesi’s jewel of the Baroque duet canon, Stabat Mater, with Cappella Gabetta. Violin solos (not only in the concerto and sonata but also in Vivaldi’s Nisi Dominus) are played by Andrés Gabetta on a Guarneri crafted in Venice in 1727.


HUF 4 800, 5 900, 7 600, 9 900, 10 600