20th anniversary of the St Stephen Grammar School Jubilee Symphony Orchestra

2015. március 1. 18.00-20.30

20th anniversary of the St Stephen Grammar School Jubilee Symphony Orchestra A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

A. Dvorák
VIII. (G dúr) szimfónia, op. 88


a-moll zongoraverseny, op. 16

II. magyar rapszódia

-;-Szabadfi Mónika (zongora)

Szent István Gimnázium Jubileumi Szimfonikus Zenekar

Vezényel: Ménesi Gergely
When in 1994 celebrations were held to mark the 40th anniversary of the ‘Stephen Orchestra’, founded by the legendary József Záborszky, former members decided to set up the St Stephen Grammar School Jubilee Symphony Orchestra. The ensemble reflects the golden age of civil music culture as every member, without exception, has a civilian occupation and they only play in their free time. The exceptional enthusiasm characteristic of their concerts is not only due to the “Stephen” tradition but also the conductor, Gergely Ménesi, who has been active in local music circles for years. The concert programme features Liszt’s popular Rhapsody No. 2 and perhaps the most serene, most uplifting symphony by Dvořák, the Eighth, plus a Grieg piano concerto with solo by Mónika Szabadfi, who teaches the instrument at the St Stephen Grammar School.


HUF 2.500, 2.700, 2.900, 3.200