60th Anniversary of the Hungarian Radio Children’s Choir

2015. március 26. 19.30-22.00

60th Anniversary of the Hungarian Radio Children’s Choir A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Kicsinyek kórusa – részletek

Fekete Gyula
Három szép pillangó - ősbemutató

Tóth Péter
Álomképek - ősbemutató

Bánkövi Gyula
Ének a hegyekből - ősbemutató

Hét egyneműkar zenekari kísérettel

Semmit ne bánkódjál

Árva vagyok


Méz, méz, méz

Decsényi János
Csettelés - ősbemutató

Búcsú az erdőtől

-;-MR Gyermekkórus

Arany Zsuzsanna (zongora)

MR Szimfonikusok Kamarazenekara

Vezényel: Matos László, Kabdebó Sándor, Brebovszky Klára
Founded in 1954 by Valéria Botka and László Csányi, the Hungarian Radio and Television Children’s Choir have over the past 60 years covered virtually the entire globe and have, by taking part in contemporary premieres and by combining adult discipline yet the crystal clear purity of children’s voices, proven their stature when they perform either Gregorian or Renaissance works. Their anniversary programme features resounding compositions by European and Hungarian composers. Their voices will no doubt resound through the hall, since anyone who has heard the Hungarian Radio and Television Children’s Choir knows that their sound has maintained its elemental force and authenticity over many generations. This is due in large part to Gabriella Thész, who oversaw the ensemble for so many years and truly shaped its personality, as well as the current conductors of the choir, László Matos and Sándor Kabdebó, who have followed in her footsteps.


HUF 2 000, 3 000, 4 000