Advent greetings aruond the world

2016. december 6. 19.30-22.00

Advent greetings aruond the world A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Agni parthene – görög-bizánci ének az Istenszülőhöz

Athosz-hegyi Trishagion himnusz

Priidite poklonimsja és Da ispravitsja – Ó-orosz monostori énekek

Slava vo visnih Bogu – karácsonyi himnusz


Slava vo visnih Bogu

12 variáció a „Ah vous dirai” című dalra, K. 265

J. S. Bach
„Bist du bei mir” c. ária, BWV 508

J. S. Bach
F-dúr olasz versenymű, BWV 971

„Mon coeur s’oure” – ária a Sámson és Delila című operából


Bölcs Alfonz király cantigái (spanyol)

Mamao chveno – grúz ének

Abaúji karácsony – ruszin, cigány, magyar kántáló énekek

Kae le kae – dél–afrikai sutu ének

Mary had a baby – amerikai gospel

Encourage my soul – amerikai gospel

Mariä Wiegenlied, Op. 76/52


Karácsonyi dallamok szaxofonra és zongorára

-;-Vörös Szilvia (mezzoszoprán); Balog József, Káel Norbert (zongora)

Szent Efrém Férfikar

Budapest Saxophone Quartet
The program of the evening offers an unforgettable musical journey to the audience evoking the intimate world of the Christmas spirit by songs of the Advent season of different eras, Christmas melodies inspired by folk customs and American Gospel Songs. The musical experience is provided by the Saint Ephraim Male Choir, led by Tamás Bubnó, Hungary's one and only professional Byzantine musical ensemble. Since its foundation, the choir has been demonstrating an upward carrier trajectory, having been justified by international success and competition prizes. Their songs guide the audience through the cradle of church music with Byzantine rite to the motets of the Russian church music’s great personality, Rachmaninoff. Additionally, Szilvia Vörös, the Junior Prima awarded singer and the “Grand Prix” winner of the 1st Éva Márton International Signing Competition, also performs. Her partners will be József Balog pianist and Bence Szepesi clarinetist. During the evening, the Budapest Saxophone Quartet, whose members completed their studies at the Paris Academy of Music, is enriching the program with unique sound world accompanied by Hungary’s only male soprano singer, André Vásáry. Káel Norbert’s improvisations will provide fine musical delights. He will play Romanian Christmas Carols of Bartók (entitled “Kolindák”) which diverse songs were originally performed in the folk tradition at Christmas. The young pianist, who completed his studies at the Berklee School of Music in Boston, is experienced equally well in the world of classical and jazz music. He uses a new approach with tasteful sensitivity, by combining the two styles with delightful fantasy and merging the technical characteristics and tools of classical music with the harmony and rhythm of jazz.


HUF 3 900, 4 900, 5 400, 6 500