Ágnes Herczku album release concert

2015. szeptember 27. 19.00-22.00

Solti terem

Acoustic, Authentic

Ágnes Herczku album release concert A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja


Megfújtak azok a szelek

De szeretnék

Gyimesi karszilamasz

Glava li ta

Ha szívemben szabad lennék

Ha te - másképp

A keserves... (Nikoláé)

'A Nikoláé' (csárdás és szökős)

Keress mást magadnak


Na chinger tut

-;-Herczku Ági (ének)

Hegedűs Máté „Kishega”, Pálházi Bence „Pálesz” (hegedű); Fekete Márton „Kispuma” (brácsa, kontra); Molnár Péter „Mojmoj” (bőgő); Födő Sándor „Fodo” (dob, ütősök, tangóharmonika); Nikola Parov (hegedű, buzuki, kaval, duduk, ének, szájharmonika, kanun)
In the wake of her album Tüzet viszek (2011), Ágnes Herczku has released a new solo recording. Bandázom was launched in November 2014 by Fonó Records. The ‘everyman’ of the new album, in other words, the creative brains behind it, the composer, arranger and producer, is Nikola Parov, a regular partner of Ági since 1999. That was the same year the Hungarian State Folk Ensemble staged the major production Sun Legend, which is still an important part of the company’s repertoire to this day. Two earlier duet albums are also worth mentioning: Volt nékem szeretőm (2005) and Megéred még (2009). The latest offering is a commendable successor to these, enhancing the ‘toolbox’ used so far with new sounds: a folk string orchestra. The talent, knowledge and openness of the four folk musicians have had a fertile impact on the music of the core trio. Together, these seven people have been forged into a genuine community of artists in the course of concerts and tours, so Ági’s choice of title for the album (Bandázom – I’m playing with the band) comes as no surprise. There has been great reaction to this release abroad as well, with the album currently standing at 10th place in the World Music Charts Europe. Nikola Parov sets primarily Hungarian folk songs in a fashionable, multi-ethnic musical palette in his usual selection, with diverse instrumentalization and considerable artistic sensitivity. Two of the recording’s guest musicians – Mihály Dresch (fuhun) and János Ávéd (tenor saxophone) – bring new tones to the party. It is well worth checking out the excellent promotional videos featuring the unmistakeable clowning around of Nikola and silhouettes of Ági Herczku and ensemble appearing like puppets on the skyline.


HUF 2 500, 3 200