Andrea Meláth

2014. február 28. 19.00-21.00


Song recitals in the Liszt Academy

Andrea Meláth A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

“Woman and Love”

Songs by Rachmaninov and Wolf

-;-Andrea Meláth (soprano); Katalin Alter (piano)
The Liszt Academy is performing a valuable cultural mission when it revives one of the most important genres of the bygone civil era, the song recital. If the symphony is equivalent to a novel, then the song recital is a novella. Andrea Meláth, holder of the Liszt and Bartók-Pászthory prizes and head of the Department of Vocal Studies of the Liszt Academy, has selected works from the oeuvres of two highly sensitive composers, Sergei Rachmaninov and Hugo Wolf. The songs of Rachmaninov, who treats the piano as an equal of the vocal score, and those of Wolf, who unifies the Wagnerian music drama concept with the song tradition of Schumann and Schubert, unite in a single great narrative, the theme of which is eternal and inexhaustible. Andrea Meláth and Katalin Alter offer a female interpretation of the mystery of love, although the lessons are equally relevant to both men and women.


HUF 3.200, 2.100