Andrea Meláth and The Junge Deutsch-Französisch-Ungarische Philharmonie

2014. április 27. 19.30-22.00

Andrea Meláth and The Junge Deutsch-Französisch-Ungarische Philharmonie A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Strauss and Wagner

R. Strauss
Négy utolsó ének

R. Strauss
Metamorfózisok, tanulmány 23 vonósra


R. Strauss
Imigyen szóla Zarathustra, op. 30

-;-Közreműködik: Meláth Andrea (szoprán)

Vezényel: Nicolaus Richter
Over the past few decades the ensemble, now over a quarter of a century old and conducted by Nicolaus Richter, director of the Bayreuth Municipal School of Music, have participated in numerous dramatic productions. The conductor has close associations with the Liszt Academy and, naturally, the music of Ferenc Liszt. During the Liszt Year (2011) he conducted Don Sanche, an opera written by Liszt in his youth, in Miskolc and Bayreuth, and he was instrumental in seeing that the Choir and Orchestra of the Liszt Academy could perform Liszt’s monumental oratorio Christ in Bayreuth. On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the birth of Richard Strauss, junge deutsch-französisch-ungarische philharmonie bring emblematic pieces from the master’s oeuvre to Budapest, including seven of his orchestral songs with soprano solo by Andrea Meláth, head of the Liszt Academy’s Department of Vocal Studies.


HUF 3.200, 2.100, 1.300