Anima Musicae Chamber Orchestra

2015. szeptember 22. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Anima Musicae Chamber Orchestra A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Embraced by the Arts

​Dukay Barnabás
A hegy fái

III. (G-dúr) brandenburgi verseny (BWV 1048)

Serenata notturna (K. 239)


​Dohnányi - Sitkovetsky

Vizeli Máté
'Amit tudok' - concerto grosso Szászcsávásról

-;-Házigazda: Lackfi János (költő)

Közreműködik: GóBé zenekar; Dinyés Soma (csembaló); Seprűs Pál Péter (fotóművész)

​Anima Musicae Kamarazenekar

Művészeti vezető: G.Horváth László
Anima Musicae Chamber Orchestra, one of the most innovative Hungarian instrumental ensembles of our day, give a concert entitled ‘Embraced by the Arts’ in the Sir Georg Solti Chamber Hall. Building on a European-level sound and Hungarian music traditions, the formation constantly seek new challenges. Their repertoire spans the ages from Baroque to contemporary music; they regularly perform new Hungarian works composed specifically for the ensemble. This performance perfectly illustrates their breadth of approach: works by Bach, Mozart and Dohnányi are bookended by contemporary pieces written by Barnabás Dukay and Máté Vizeli. By taking us on a trip across musical time the compositions connect to each other, while through Anima Musicae’s “from soul to soul” playing the audience, too, are woven into the whole. Host for the evening poet János Lackfi also takes to the stage; as he puts it, not for the first time he joins in the ensemble’s projects with a few simple words. Similarly close ties bind photographer Pál Péter Seprűs and Soma Dinyés to the orchestra; the latter, as an accomplished doyen of the Baroque age, has a key role in Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto No. 3. Excitement associated with the concert is further heightened with the appearance of Góbé, who are responsible for the unique atmosphere and explosive release of energy in the ‘Szászcsávás concerto’.


HUF 1 900, 2 500