2014. május 7. 19.00-22.00

Aria Exam A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

-;-Bernáth Éva, Imai Ayane, Makiko Yoshida (szoprán); Gheorghita Orsolya, Vincze Klára (mezzoszoprán)

Concerto Budapest

Vezényel: Medveczky Ádám
Few things better exemplify just what a remarkable role the Liszt Academy plays in Hungarian tertiary education than the aria exam, which is organized every May. While in the majority of universities exam results only survive in the memories of professors and students and written down in forgotten report books, the vocal faculty's aria exams are public and open to all: not only are they an important assessment for student and teacher, they are an exceptional aesthetic experience for everyone who is interested in the future of Hungarian vocal culture and visits the Liszt Academy to hear young talents. This year the exam returns back to the newly-renovated Grand Hall. The students perform the arias they have learnt during their year of studies, accompanied by a symphony orchestra before a live audience. They will be partnered by the Liszt Academy's resident orchestra, Concerto Budapest, conducted by Ádám Medveczky.


Tickets are free and can be obtained from the ticket office in the Liszt Academy.