Balázs Fülei piano recital

2017. április 28. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Black and White Colours

Balázs Fülei piano recital A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

„Bartók Also Played It”

D-dúr szvit, Z. 667

1. (h-moll) szvit

Hat variáció F-dúrban, op. 34

Variációk J. S. Bach „Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen” témájára


Három darab a Miroirs című sorozatból

Román kolindadallamok, BB 67

Improvizációk magyar parasztdalokra, BB 83

-;-Fülei Balázs (zongora)
‘Bartók Also Played It’: this is the subtitle of the concert offering a perceptive insight into the piano repertoire of Béla Bartók. The concert includes works by Liszt and Ravel, naturally enough Bartók himself, as well as a couple by Baroque masters: suites by Purcell and the Jesuit missionary Domenico Zipoli. Head of the Liszt Academy Chamber Music Department Balázs Fülei certainly has a different performer’s temperament and podium personality to Béla Bartók, and perhaps this also plays a part in the fact that we can thank him for such original Bartók interpretations. As a critic recently put it: “Fülei is a Bartók player of great stature: his approach to characters is striking, he displays authentic tempos and dares to go against the ‘carved-in-stone’ interpretations of the Hungarian Bartók performance practice, all of which reveal great courage and absolute independence.” In a critical appraisal of his art, the following has been said: “When he appears, skill, artistic conscience and inspiration take to the stage in his person.”


HUF 2 500, 3 200