Balogh Kálmán

2015. október 7. 19.30-22.00

Acoustic, Authentic

Balogh Kálmán A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

40 Years on Stage

-;-Herczku Ágnes, Berecz András, Balogh Gusztáv (ének); Vavrinecz András, Frankie Látó (hegedű); Lukács Miklós, Szabó Dániel, Czimber Ferenc (cimbalom); Lakatos Róbert, Papp Endre (brácsa); Novák Csaba, Bognár András (nagybőgő); György Mihály (gitár); Kovács Ferenc (trombita); Bede Péter (szaxofon)
Condensing such a richness of four decades into a single concert is virtually an impossibility. Artists are faced with that fact that retrospectives are always a major challenge since what was at one time innovation today may be cliché; as decades pass, what was an untrodden path frequently becomes a toll motorway. Kálmán Balogh created a new style by building bridges between different musical styles. His professional learning and musical sensibility – spiced up with a little ‘ethno flavour’ – make him a legendary performer the world over. For this concert the emphasis is on folk music in original form. We get to cover Hungarian-speaking regions where the cimbalom has become an integral part of the music tradition. Starting from Transylvania (Bonchida, Vajdaszentivány, Marossárpatak), the sound of the cimbalom takes us to West Transdanubia via Szatmár. Famous performers and long-established musicians such as Ági Herczku, András Vavrinecz and András Berecz help recall the best moments of the past 40 years. Improvised chamber music based on folk music motifs (or, if you prefer, world music) is part of the programme. Kálmán is partnered by Miklós Lukács, also on cimbalom, who has won enduring merit in his interpretation of both jazz and contemporary music.


HUF 1 400, 2 100, 3 500, 4 900