Bartók 135 – Joint concert of the composition students of the University of Ljubljana and the Liszt Academy of Music

2017. március 20. 19.00-21.00

X. terem

Bartók 135 – Joint concert of the composition students of the University of Ljubljana and the Liszt Academy of Music A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Allegro barbaro

Anej Černe (mentor Assoc. prof. Dušan Bavdek)
…In a dream, in a vision of the night…

Dobos Dániel (mentor Prof. Gyula Fekete)
Crossover time

Matic Romih (mentor Assist. prof. Vito Žuraj)
La mort du temps

Bucz Magor (mentor Prof. János Vajda)

Ernest Miklič (mentor Prof. Jani Golob)
To cruise over slovenia is a rhapsody

Llorenç Prats Boscá (mentor Assoc. prof. Judit Varga)
Four piano pieces

Tilen Slakan (mentor Prof. Marko Mihevc)
Banat rhapsody

-;-Vajda Marcell (zongora)

Mentor: Prof. Dráfi Kálmán

Rikardo Janjoš (zongora)

Mentor: Assist. Prof. Jasminka Stančul

Špela Horvat (zongora)

Mentor: Prof. Tatjana Ognjanovič

Kristina Golob (zongora)

Mentor: Prof. Hinko Haas

Magor Bucz (zongora)

Brina Kozlevčar (zongora)

Mentor: Assoc. prof. Vladimir Mlinarić

Lara Oprešnik (zongora)

Mentor: red. prof. Hinko Haas

Teja Ulaga (zongora)

Mentor: Prof. Tatjana Ognjanovič
The joint concert of the students of the University of Ljubljana and the Liszt Academy of Music is part of the event series Bartók 135 – a year-long programme series launched in 2016 by the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade in collaboration with the Liszt Academy of Music and their international partner academies – celebrating the life work of Béla Bartók with workshops, masterclasses and concerts all over the world. Present programme consists of pieces composed and performed by the students of the two institutions as a peak event of a two-day composition workshop.


Entry is free.