Beethoven: Symphony No. 9 – Kobayashi Ken-Ichiro and the Liszt Academy Symphony Orchestra

2014. március 26. 19.30-22.00

Beethoven: Symphony No. 9 – Kobayashi Ken-Ichiro and the Liszt Academy Symphony Orchestra A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Symphony No. 9 in D minor, op. 125

-;-Katalin Vámosi (soprano), Eszter Balogh (alto), Attila Kiss. B. (tenor), Péter Fried (bass)

Liszt Academy Symphony Orchestra and Chorus (choral director: Csaba Somosi)

Conductor: Ken-Ichiro Kobayashi
It is not well known that the popular Japanese conductor Ken-Ichiro Kobayashi originally trained as a composer and is still active today. He was enthralled by music composition as a child, when aged 10 he heard Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 on the radio. “It was as though the Gods had spoken to me. The melodies were mixed together and murmuring, and then suddenly, they transmogrified into freedom and light and this profoundly affected me as a young boy. I wanted to be a composer.” In the course of his career he has conducted – always with great imagination – this outstanding composition at the head of several Hungarian ensembles. His contacts with the Liszt Academy and its students strengthened in 2012 when, as honorary professor, he organized a masterclass and concert. The next step in this joint work was rehearsing and conducting his favourite Beethoven symphony.


HUF 4.900, 3.500, 2.100