Beyond Music...

2014. május 2. 19.30-22.00

Beyond Music... A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Tamás Vásáry Musical Conversations IV/3

Bartók Béla

-;-MR Szimfonikusok, MR Énekkar (mb. karigazgató: Oláh Gábor)

Előad, vezényel és zongorán közreműködik: Vásáry Tamás
“What marks out his musical personality is the absolutely unique combination of elemental primitiveness with the most highly developed culture. His music is of a single material, closed within itself, a unified organization, with virtually no trace of imitation.” These are the words of Zoltán Kodály on Béla Bartók, published in the journal Nyugat on the occasion of the world premiere of Bluebeard’s Castle. The audience no longer sees Bartók’s music as a seven-gate castle, wrote Kodály in the same publication, although many of us still need expert guidance to initiate us into the oeuvre of Bartók. This is particularly so when we are lucky enough to have such an insightful, sympathetic artist as Kossuth laureate Tamás Vásáry, former assistant to Kodály, as our guide.


HUF 3.500, 2.800, 2.000, 1.500, Student and concession tickets: HUF 2500, 2000, 1400, 1000