Boris Berezovsky and the Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra

2015. március 4. 19.30-22.00

Boris Berezovsky and the Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Vonósszerenád Op.11

f-moll zongoraverseny, No.2

Megdicsőült éj, Op.4

-;-Liszt Ferenc Kamarazenekar (művészeti vezető: Rolla János)

Borisz Berezovszkij (zongora)
“I think I’m prepared in myself to be famous now. I’m glad it didn’t happen before.” These are the words of the pianist phenomenon, gold medallist in the 1990 Moscow Tchaikovsky Competition, Boris Berezovsky, ten years ago when he was 36. Schumann, Liszt, Tchaikovsky, Chopin, Rachmaninov, Mussorgsky, Balakirev – this brilliant pianist has recorded many of the major works of the Romantic piano canon, and in this style he certainly ranks among the greatest. He moves the music and brings sounds to life with breathtaking virtuosity, a sweeping momentum and virtually superhuman energy, speaking through – and making us one with – the music. This is particularly true of a work such as that composed by Chopin when just 20, the piano concerto of poetic depths but which occasionally demands extraordinary speed and flexibility, and which is – quite rightly – one of the most popular items on the concert repertoire. After the interval there is a special musical treat when we get to listen to the setting to music of a poem (Transfigured Night) composed by Arnold Schönberg in late Romantic style, which brings out the magical colours of the strings.


HUF 3 500, 4 900, 6 900, 8 500