Brahms’s Trios II

2018. február 28. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Complete Works Live

Brahms’s Trios II A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Esz-dúr kürttrió, op. 40

1. (H-dúr) zongoratrió, op. 8

-;-Miriam Helms Ålien (hegedű), Szabó Ildikó (cselló), Lajkó István (zongora), Zempléni Szabolcs (kürt)
The second and at the same time concluding concert in the Complete Works Live series is arranged around the art of the young Johannes Brahms. The Horn Trio in E-flat major commemorates the mother of Brahms, being in many respects a nostalgic recollection of childhood. This is apparent even in the choice of instrument, because as a child Brahms learnt to play on the natural horn rather than the valve horn. He also heard the lyrical folk song in the third movement from his mother at the family home. The first version of the grandiose, near symphonic Trio in B major was finalized in 1854. 35 years later, in 1889, at the request of his publisher, Simrock, Brahms significantly revised this original work. Unusually for him, though, he did not withdraw the version written in his youth, leaving posterity with two versions of the B major trio, both approved by Brahms. The dynamic trio of Miriam Helms Ålien, Ildikó Szabó and István Lajkó we met in the first concert in this two-part series are joined this time by the fine horn player Szabolcs Zempléni.


HUF 2 500, 3 200