Brass Instruments

2016. október 24. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

On the Spot

Brass Instruments A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

La Péri - Fanfár

Tubaverseny – 2. tétel

Georg Tibor
Bevezetés, téma és varációk

C-dúr concerto (átirat két trombitára és zongorára)

Sonata Pian’e Forte

Egmont nyitány, op. 84

Sári József

Sári József
3. Novellette

Fantázia trombitára és zongorára


Szent Edmundsbury - fanfár

Esz-dúr kürtverseny, op. 11/1

John Stevens
Liberation of Sisyphus

F-dúr versenymű négy kürtre

Kocsár Miklós
Tavaszköszöntő fanfár

Dubrovay László

Hidas Frigyes
Hét bagatell 12 harsonára - 7. tétel


-;-Antal Mátyás (karmester)

A Harsona Tanszak növendékei

A Harsona Tanszak növendékei

Sztán Attila (harsona)

Premier Harsona Kvartett

A Harsona Tanszak növendékei

A Zeneakadémia Tuba Kvartettje

Lukács Gergely (tuba); Szelcsányi Ágnes (zongora)

A Tuba Tanszak növendékei

Sápi Viktor (tuba) és a Zeneakadémia Tubaegyüttese

A Trombita Tanszak növendékei

Szabó Teréz (zongora); Magyari Imre (kürt); Varga Zoltán (kürt); A Kürt Tanszak növendékei

A Rézfúvós Tanszék növendékei
Today the brass section is perceived by concertgoers primarily as the essential player of grandiose closing movements in symphonic works: Beethoven, Brahms, Dvořák, Mahler and Bruckner crowned many of their compositions with the sounds of bassoons, trumpets and horns. However, these instruments are far more multifaceted than this, having a fantastically rich past; yet we still rarely have the opportunity to observe these other sides. This concert, which introduces the extremely varied works of 14 composers, provides a chance to glimpse into the past of brass instruments that are capable of creating the most amazing sounds, as well as learn something of their present – all with marvellous music and musicians. There are curiosities such as Fanfare by Dukas, an arrangement of Beethoven’s Egmont Overture, the four-horn composition of the Dresden court horn player that was inspired by Schumann, in addition to superb pieces by Frigyes Hidas, one of the most performed 20th century Hungarian composers thanks to his splendid works for brass instruments. All these can be enjoyed in this performance by young musicians of the Brass Department of the Liszt Academy, which has turned out so many players for world famous orchestras, here under the baton of Mátyás Antal, conductor and flautist, who has been active on the domestic music scene for over quarter of a century.


HUF 1 600