Brodsky Quartet

2015. február 7. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

String Quartet in the Liszt Academy

Brodsky Quartet A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Vonósnégyes-tétel (D. 703)

cisz-moll vonósnégyes, op. 131


II. vonósgyes, op. 15

-;-Brodsky Quartet: Daniel Rowland, Ian Belton (hegedű); Paul Cassidy (brácsa); Jacqueline Thomas (cselló)
The unfinished String Quartet in C minor perfectly illustrates the belated acceptance of Schubert’s oeuvre. As only one movement was fully completed from the work in C minor, Schubert set it aside. For decades the manuscript was neglected until it came into the hands of Johannes Brahms. The work was finally performed at his behest in 1867, four decades after the death of Schubert. The composition conveys particularly intensively the change in the composer’s style; it appears to be a workshop piece which has a direct relation with Schubert’s greatest quartets. Interestingly, after the String Quartet in C minor Schubert had nothing to do with the genre for years, and it is likely that his interest was once again sparked by Ignaz Schuppanzigh, the number one performer and devotee of Beethoven’s quartets, among them the later pieces that include the C-sharp minor quartet. Beethoven’s late string quartets became the origin of modern music, since at the beginning of the 20th century it inspired Schönberg, Bartók and Zemlinsky. The first string quartet of the latter composer won the praise of Brahms, while the second quartet written nearly two decades later unequivocally nailed its colours to the mast of Vienna Modernism. The work was dedicated to his friend and son-in-law Arnold Schönberg. All these works will be performed by one of the most significant formations of English string quartet tradition, the legendary Brodsky Quartet, established in 1972 and now past their two thousandth performance.


HUF 1 900, 2 500