Budapest Festival Orchestra

2017. április 15. 19.45-22.00

Budapest Festival Orchestra A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

36. (C-dúr) szimfónia, K. 425 („Linzi”)

Kamarakoncert fuvolára, angolkürtre és vonósokra

1. (B-dúr) szimfónia, op. 38 („Tavaszi”)

-;-Sebők Erika (fuvola); Clément Noël (angolkürt)

Budapesti Fesztiválzenekar

Vezényel: Victor Aviat
Up to now, Victor Aviat’s collaboration with the Festival Orchestra has been as an oboist and assistant conductor. Through the Rising Stars series, he will be making his debut with two symphonies, one Viennese classical and one romantic, as well as a 20th century concerto. The two soloists, Erika Sebők and Clément Noël are the BFO’s Sándor Végh Competition-winning musicians.

Mozart’s ‘Linz’ symphony (1783) is highly rated in the orchestral repertoire for its cheerfulness, the playful contrasts of light and shadow, its moving serenade, the adorably humorous minuet and the irresistible finale.
According to András Szőllősy, Arthur Honegger’s late chamber concerto for flute and English horn is the composer’s “most lyrical, most balanced work.” Honegger’s Hungarian monographer emphasised the intimate dialogue between the two solo instruments in the first movement; the romantic, daydreaming tone of the second; and the kindly ideas of the finale.
A line from the now-forgotten Adolf Böttger inspired Schumann’s First Symphony: “Im Tale geht der Frühling auf” (Spring is coming to life in the valley). This is where the symphony gets its title “spring.”


HUF 2 700, 3 700, 4 600, 6 600, 11 000