Carnival Winter Farewell with Folk Music

2014. február 15. 19.30-22.00

Carnival Winter Farewell with Folk Music A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Ágnes Herczku, István “Szalonna” Pál and Dániel Szabó

-;-Herczku Ágnes, Básits Branka (ének); Pál István „Szalonna”, Gombai Tamás (hegedű), Mester László (brácsa); Molnár Péter (bőgő); Szabó Dániel (cimbalom); Czirják Csaba (tamburabrácsa); Gera Attila (fúvós hangszerek)
Folk singer Ágnes Herczku created a jolly atmosphere for an entire country week after week as presenter of the folk music show Felszállott a páva. In this programme she and her fellow musicians summon the end-of-winter cheerfulness of the carnival season, the many customs and beliefs that are preserved in folk tradition. Though the carnival period officially runs from Epiphany to the start of Lent, for most of us the last three days, the “tail of the carnival”, represent the highpoint of festivities. This is when famous carnivals such as those in Rio and Venice are organized. But wherever we are in the world, there is one striking common feature: carnivals and charity processions always wind up with a big party. Even though it is another two weeks before the end of the carnival season, our team of fine musicians still guarantee a festive evening!


HUF 3.900, 2.800, 1.700