Closing Concert of the 500th Commemorative Year of the Reformation

2017. december 19. 19.30-22.00


Closing Concert of the 500th Commemorative Year of the Reformation A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

J. S. Bach–Kurtág György
Hét Bach-korál (átiratok zongorára, négy kézre)

Kurtág György
Bornemisza Péter mondásai, op. 7


Jeney Zoltán
Hilf uns, Herr, unser Gott – kantáta (ősbemutató)

J. S. Bach
„Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir” – kantáta, BWV 38

-;-Csalog Gábor, Kemenes András (zongora)

Tony Arnold (szoprán), Csalog Gábor (zongora)

A Magyar Rádió Szimfonikus Zenekara és Énekkara (karigazgató: Pad Zoltán)

Vezényel: Kamp Salamon

The closing concert of the 500th Commemorative Year of the Reformation sees 20th-21st century Hungarian works inspired by the Reformation in dialogue with the music of Johann Sebastian Bach. The Orgelbüchlein is a collection of chorale preludes by Bach, most of which derive from Weimar; György Kurtág selected seven from this volume in order to make four-hand arrangements illuminating the polyphonic structure. This is the first time in years that Kurtág’s monumental solo cantata, his first true major work, The Sayings of Péter Bornemisza, can be heard in Hungary. Zoltán Jeney, the greatest creator of church music of the past several decades, composer of the Funeral Rite, wrote his cantata at the request of the Reformation Memorial Committee. The composer compiled the libretto from Biblical texts and works of German chorales, 16th century ecclesiastical poetry, Angelus Silesius and contemporary Hungarian literature. The Aus tiefer Not chorale creates a bridge between the Jeney and Bach cantatas.



HUF 500, 1 517