Complete Bach concertos for two or more pianos

2016. október 2. 19.30-22.00

Complete Works Live

Complete Bach concertos for two or more pianos A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

J. S. Bach
c-moll versenymű két zongorára, BWV 1060

J.S. Bach
C-dúr versenymű két zongorára, BWV 1061

J. S. Bach
c-moll versenymű két zongorára, BWV 1062

J. S. Bach
d-moll versenymű három zongorára, BWV 1063

J. S. Bach
C-dúr versenymű három zongorára, BWV 1064

J. S. Bach
a-moll versenymű négy zongorára, BWV 1065

-;-Dani Imre, Lajkó István, Szőke Diána, Szokolay Balázs (zongora)

Liszt Ferenc Kamarazenekar (művészeti vezető: Rolla János)
This production promises to be a celebration of harmony in at least two senses: on the one hand, Johann Sebastian Bach was the finest-ever exponent of musical counterpoint; on the other hand, these multi-piano compositions demand an astounding degree of harmonization and concentration from the artists. But we are in luck: the works for two, three or four pianos (originally written, naturally enough, for harpsichord) are in extremely competent hands for this recital. The Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra, who have accumulated success on top of success in a good half-century of music making, are as much a guarantee of harmony as Liszt Prize winner Balázs Szokolay, who has for the past 40 years and more been a fixed point in classical music, teacher in the piano department of the Liszt Academy and an internationally acknowledged interpreter of the works of Bach. His wife, Diána Szőke, won first prize at the 4th International Bartók Piano Competition in 2010, and has proven herself equally at home in classical and contemporary music environments. There is rising talent on stage, too: István Lajkó was winner of the 2010 Junior Prima Prize, while last spring Imre Dani triumphed in the 21st Johannes Brahms International Competition.


HUF 1 400, 2 100, 3 500, 4 900