Danubia Orchestra Óbuda

2015. január 13. 19.30-22.00

Danubia Orchestra Óbuda A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Bruckner – Beauty and Belief

Hegedűverseny, op. 33

VII. (E-dúr) szimfónia (WAB 107)

-;-Zalai Antal (hegedű)

Óbudai Danubia Zenekar

Vezényel: Hámori Máté
We tend to think of the Danubia Orchestra Óbuda as a youthful ensemble. This was the case a while ago, but a couple of decades have passed since then and today the orchestra founded by Domonkos Héja are a leading presence in concert life in Hungary. The 2014–2015, twentieth season of the Danubia is extremely important because their new artistic director, Máté Hámori, is guiding the ensemble, thus the artistic concept, the new dynamism, and the new colours in the palette of the orchestra all reflect his concepts. The soloist for this concert is not even 33 years old, but already the list of world famous musicians with whom he has performed is long indeed. It is a telling coincidence that Antal Zalai graduated in exactly the same city and institution – the Royal Academy of Music, Brussels – in 2009 where Jenő Hubay, who played a key role in the life of the Liszt Academy and founded his own school, also taught 130 year ago. This youthful musician, a familiar figure in Carnegie Hall and many other top venues, performs Carl Nielsen’s popular Violin Concerto, written for the Danish composer’s son-in-law and student of Hubay Emil Telmányi. The other work is Austrian Anton Bruckner’s most frequently performed piece, captivating for its melody and glorious orchestral tones, and which – in its slow movement – mourns the passing of Richard Wagner.


HUF 2500, 3200, 3800, 4700