Dénes Várjon, Izabella Simon & Concerto Budapest

2016. február 4. 19.30-21.00

Legendary Concerts IV.

Dénes Várjon, Izabella Simon & Concerto Budapest A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

8 October 1940 - Béla Bartók and Ditta Pásztory farewell concert

J. S. Bach
A-dúr zongoraverseny (BWV 1055)

F-dúr zongoraverseny (K. 459)

Esz-dúr kétzongorás verseny (K. 365/316a)

Mikrokozmosz (BB 105) - 5 tétel

-;-Várjon Dénes, Simon Izabella (zongora)

Concerto Budapest

Vezényel: Keller András
“Our parting concert was in Budapest on 8 October: I played Bach’s A major concerto, my wife the lovely (and barely known) Mozart piece in F major – this was her first solo appearance and she played beautifully – then we performed the Mozart concerto for two pianos, and finally I gave a recital from Microcosmos,” wrote Bartók from Geneva on his way to the United States. The pianist couple Izabella Simon and Dénes Várjon perform the programme from this famous farewell concert, accompanied by Concerto Budapest (conductor: András Keller), as part of the Legendary Concerts series launched on the occasion of the 140th academic year of the Liszt Academy. The two pianists are representatives of the same school hallmarked by the likes of Sándor Végh, György Kurtág, Ferenc Rados and András Schiff, and they have similar attitudes to music. Thus all their joint productions radiate harmony, thanks to which they are characterized by perfect artistic cooperation and at the same time an open avowal of personal traits and style.


HUF 2 900, 4 100, 5 200, 6 500