Dezső Ránki and Concerto Budapest

2014. április 26. 19.30-22.00

Dezső Ránki and Concerto Budapest A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

A megválaszolatlan kérdés

Vidovszky László
Orchestrion (ősbemutató)

a-moll zongoraverseny, op. 54

IV. (A-dúr) szimfónia, op. 90 („Olasz”)

-;-Közreműködik: Ránki Dezső (zongora)

Vezényel: Keller András
Concerto Budapest, resident orchestra of the Liszt Academy, have come up with a concert idea that is unusual to say the least. Their exciting programme comprises two Romantic hits, a contemporary world premiere and a composition by an American composer little known in Hungary. The new work Orchestrion is by László Vidovszky, who marks his 70th birthday in 2014 and is a former student and current professor of the Liszt Academy. After this world premiere there is a significant jump back in time to the world of German Romanticism, and the highly popular Piano Concerto in A minor by Robert Schumann with inspired piano solo care of Dezső Ránki. The concert programme concludes with the ‘Italian’ Symphony No. 4 written by a 24-year-old Mendelssohn in 1833, in a bright and sunny mood appropriate to its name.


HUF 6.400, 4.700, 3.200