Dobozy Borbála Orchestral Bach Recital

2015. október 17. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Pure Baroque

Dobozy Borbála Orchestral Bach Recital A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

J.S. Bach
d-moll csembalóverseny (BWV 1052)

J.S. Bach
F-dúr hármasverseny (BWV 1057)


J.S. Bach
c-moll kettősverseny oboára és hegedűre (BWV 1060)

J.S. Bach
V. (D-dúr) brandenburgi verseny (BWV 1050)

-;-Dobozy Borbála (csembaló)

Januj Anna (furulya)

Aura Musicale (művészeti vezető: Máté Balázs)
Liszt Academy student and Liszt Prize winner harpsichordist Borbála Dobozy is one of the leading Bach performers of our day. Proof, if needed, will be found in her recording of the Goldberg Variations (2010) – one of the finest harpsichord interpretations of the work in existence – in which she plays on a replica Mietke harpsichord, that is, on the instrument that Bach collected in Berlin in 1719, and which according to some researchers inspired the astounding harpsichord solo of the Brandenburg Concerto No. 5. On this orchestral Bach evening Borbála Dobozy not only plays the Brandenburg Concerto No. 5 as partner of Aura Musicale (artistic director: Balázs Máté), but also a composer’s triple concerto arrangement from the Brandenburg Concerto No. 4, in which the harpsichord receives the astoundingly complex violin part from the original. Borbála Dobozy admitted in an interview that “The faith that I experience day in, day out through the art of Bach has been a huge resource for me. Bach’s entire life was one of faith, every single work of his was testimony of the love of God and his music permeates the atheist as well.”


HUF 1 300, 1 900