Dohnányi Orchestra Budafok

2015. március 1. 11.00-13.00

Dohnányi Orchestra Budafok A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Understandable Music – Mihály Székely

Varázsfuvola – részletek

-;-Előad és vezényel: Hollerung Gábor
Operatic legend has it that in 1957 the recently contracted young solo singer Miklós Molnár bumped into world-famous bass Mihály Székely in the Opera’s staff buffet. The new recruit grabbed the opportunity and introduced himself. “I am Miklós Molnár,” he said modestly, “bass singer at the Opera.” Székely took the young man’s hand in a friendly way and in a stentorian voice said: “It may well be, young man,that you are Miklós Molnár, but I am the bass singer at the Opera.” In this series presenting world citizens of Hungarian music, Gábor Hollerung pays tribute to one of the most significant singers of the 20th century, an artist who not only earned himself a place among the immortals as Duke Bluebeard (he introduced himself in the role in 1936 on the instructions of the composer), but who also gave a legendary rendering of the most exalted bass role of all time: in the minds of several generations he is inextricable linked with Sarastro from Mozart’s The Magic Flute.


HUF 1 900, 2 300, 2 700