Endre Hegedűs Romantic Piano Recital

2015. november 4. 19.30-22.00

Endre Hegedűs Romantic Piano Recital A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

​g-moll ballada, op. 23

F-dúr ballada, op. 38

​Asz-dúr ballada, op. 47

​ f-moll ballada, op. 52


Egy kiállítás képei

The concerts of Endre Hegedűs have attracted houses filled to capacity in Budapest for years. Why is he so much appreciated? The answer is perhaps that his audiences return the artist’s devotion, his intention to give. He tries to reach the heart of the people with every sound he produces and convey the message hidden in his understanding in the works performed. He feels in the interpretation of romantic works at the greatest ease and compiles the program of most of his concerts from the compositions of romantic masters. This is the case tonight, too, when we are going to admire the “tableau” of Chopin’s ballads and Mussorgsky’s wonderful “pictures”.


HUF 2 500, 3 500, 4 500